Girls AllRide Rider Levels


Rider is new to riding on singletrack (narrow trails) and doesn’t have the skills or confidence yet to ride singletrack terrain with roots, rocks and hills.

  • Rider has spent time riding a bike on wide dirt or gravel paths

  • Rider is able to start and stop without assistance on dirt or gravel 

  • Rider is able to ride up and down hills on dirt or gravel 

  • Rider is not sure if they should sit or stand on the descents

Beginner +

Rider has had a few rides on singletrack green trails and maybe some intermediate blue mellow trails.

  • Rider can make it over some rocks and roots but is not sure how they did it

  • Rider is using consistent controlled braking technique to stop

  • Rider uses 1-2 fingers on both front and rear brakes and can control braking at speed

  • Rider is using shifters but not sure how to shift into the correct gear on the climbs

  • Rider is still working on standing for the downhill sections with level pedals

  • Rider is not sure how to shift body position on the climbs or brace for the descents


Rider is comfortable riding a variety of singletrack on green and blue trails that may include roots, rocks, tight trees, loose dirt and mud.

  • Rider is comfortable rolling over smaller obstacles like roots and rocks

  • Rider maintains a good ready position and looks through corners

  • Rider is able to roll down small rocks, roots, and obstacles when the trail drops off using roll-down lunge or the “peek and push” technique where wheels do not leave the ground

  • Rider knows how to compress suspension & utilize a front wheel lift to get over obstacles at least two inches high

  • Rider understands the basic skills and body mechanics for cornering

  • Rider knows when and how to shift gears 

  • Rider knows when and how to shift body up climbs 

  • Rider can stand up and maintain level pedals on descents and when coasting on trail

  • Rider can control speed using both front and rear brakes when needed

Intermediate +:

Rider is comfortable riding a variety of singletrack and blue intermediate trails that may include tight trees, mud, loose dirt. Rider is becoming comfortable riding some black trails with more challenging terrain.

  • Rider is comfortable with the fundamental mountain biking skills and is ready to progress to more advanced skills

  • Rider is able to compress suspension and utilize a front wheel lift to get up obstacles up to 6 inches or more

  • Rider understands and knows when to shift gears smoothly & shift body weight on the climbs to keep traction on both wheels

  • Rider is comfortable and balanced standing on descents and can maintain level pedals

  • Rider is comfortable rolling down roots, rocks and obstacles when the trail drops off. Rider might be ready to progress to steeper roll-downs

  • Rider can make it up climbs but is still working on making it over technical sections with roots and rocks 

  • Rider is ready to progress cornering technique

  • Rider is getting more comfortable with speed and understands how to control speed with both front and rear brakes when needed 

  • Rider is ready to work on steeper roll-downs

  • Rider has begun learning how to do small drops (1-2 feet)

  • Rider is ready to start working on skills for jumping technique

Thanks to our local partner Cog Wild!

Scholarship Application, coming soon.


Scholarship info coming soon
